The labels we wear…

Katherine N Johnson
3 min readNov 17, 2021

For many years I hid behind the labels of quiet, shy and introvert. I thought these characteristics were by nature just who I was. The quiet girl who didn’t say much. The shy girl who avoided speaking to people. The introverted girl who preferred to stay in her room and read books.

My friends were always coming to my defense saying, “she’s shy or she’s just quiet.” Telling others to leave me alone and to quit bothering me.

At my first duty station, an entire year went by before I said more than five words to most of my coworkers. Even in my early career as a civilian, I had several roles in which I never participated in meetings, company events or social activities.

It reached a point where it started to frustrate me. I didn’t want my friends speaking up for me. I didn’t want to have anxiety at the idea of speaking in a meeting. I didn’t want to continue to be the girl who was present but never participating. The girl who kept to herself. The girl who no one knew. The girl who others perceived as serious, stoic and standoffish.

The truth was that I loved to talk and I had things to say. Those in my inner circle; my closest friends and family would all agree. They would also describe me as a very kind and caring person.

The turning point came when I realized that I didn’t want to be defined by the labels quiet, shy and introvert. There was so much more to me. With this realization came the decision to work on improving my communication skills.

I wanted to be included in conversations. I wanted to speak confidently. I wanted to share myself with others and allow people the opportunity to know me. I no longer desired to wear the labels of quiet, shy and introvert. They were indeed parts of my personality but they did not have to define who I was.

At the time, I was at a point on my personal growth journey where I had made the decision to live my life in a bigger way. I was stepping into my next level and the way I was choosing to be wasn’t going to support where I was heading. I had to grow.

I learned so much about myself during the process. I discovered when my voice had been silenced. I came face to face with my fears around speaking up and I uncovered my limiting beliefs. As a result, I reconnected with the truth of who I am and I’ve found my voice. Now, I’m able to share myself fully with others and allow myself to be seen and heard.

I’m passionate about supporting women who know that there’s a bigger version of themselves ready to emerge. Women who are ready to step into their next level. I know what it feels like to feel unseen and unheard. To know that there’s so much more of yourself that you want to share but you’re afraid. To know that there’s so much more you want to do and be in the world even if you don’t know exactly what or how.

Through my own journey, I’ve not only seen myself grow in ways that still blow my mind but I’ve seen how this has changed my life in so many ways. This fuels my desire to support other women on their journey because I want to see women owning their inherent power.

I have more stories and articles to come. Follow me here on Medium as I continue to share my journey and what I’ve learned to help you step into your next level. Also, stay in my world by connecting with me on social media.

You are more powerful than you believe! You are the answer. You hold the key. Katherine N Johnson



Katherine N Johnson

Certified Professional Coach helping career women move forward CONFIDENTLY into greater PURPOSE and VISION.